Happy Spring!

EXIT 89 Subscribers: We have exciting news to share. We’ve completely revamped our website, thanks to the wonderful Kazmira Nedeau and all her expertise and hard work.

Our new site is not just lovely to look at. It can be searched by topic, tells you how to get in touch with us, and offers links to our new Facebook and Instagram pages. We hope that makes it easier to share our newsletter and become more engaged with the town and important decisions being made about its future.

Subscription is FREE—and always will be. But should you want to contribute, we’ve also added a “donate” button so you have a way to help support our mission of keeping you in the Orleans loop. And who knows, we may start growing.

Come e-visit us!  exit89.org

Our next newsletter, Issue No. 9—a preview of the May 9 Town Meeting—will be winging its way to you shortly. Until then, here’s a handy link to the warrant of articles  that we will be voting on in the Nauset Regional Middle School gym.

Focus your attention on Articles 18 + 19. They could take up much of Town Meeting. What are they about?

Meetinghouse Pond, or Phase 2 of our Wastewater Plan.

Keep an eye on your inbox!

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