Orleans first responders are on the ballot tomorrow. There are six general
override questions that need to pass in order to fully fund the new Police and
Firefighters three-year contracts that were approved at Special Town Meeting
[https://www.exit89.org/preview-of-special-town-meeting-october-17-2022/] on
October 17.
Doors will be open for
Issue No.13: Orleans voters considered 36 articles over the course of a chaotic 3-hour-plus meeting full of passionate debates. Steps toward a residential fertilizer ban passed. Articles proposing short-term rental registration and a "code of conduct" policy, along with two others, failed.
Norman Rockwell used his neighbors and friends
[https://www.vermontvacation.com/norman-rockwell-home] in Southern Vermont as
models for his 1941 painting Freedom of Speech
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_Speech_(painting)], depicting a New
England Town Meeting. From a series, The Four Freedoms
Come join your neighbors and help shape the future of Orleans.
It's Monday, October 17 at 6 PM — inside Nauset Regional Middle School Gym (in
the back, just above the ballpark). Plenty of parking is available in the
athletic field lot.
What’s being voted on? Take a
Issue No. 12: Thirty-six articles are under consideration at the Special Town Meeting, including Short-Term Rental registration, a petition to restrict the use of chemical fertilizers and an HVAC upgrade to OES. Plus, what is Free Cash? Read on . . .