Topic: Housing

Total 11 Posts

Another Mighty Updates Issue

Issue No. 27 — Another Mighty Updates issue to help you get up to speed on Orleans issues and projects — and follow up on your votes at Town Meetings last year. Enjoy!
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Issue No. 24 — our recap of Annual Town Meeting, May 13, 2024. Only one article failed ±— funding for the Orleans Affordable Housing Trust Fund — with many expressing a desire to wait for the State to approve a petition allowing the AHTF to support "Attainable housing as well.
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Preview of Town Meeting — May 13, 2024

Issue No. 23 — our preview of next week's Town Meeting, on May 13, discusses the Warrant's new-look and re-structured Town Budget, and takes a closer look at an array of important articles, including $9 million Rock Harbor Commercial Wharf improvements.
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